Monday, January 25, 2010

Where was I

Ah yes, Saturday. 'Rode back into Park City with Drake and poked around Main St. until I found the Filmmakers Lodge, where I took advantage of the free wifi and fired off some emails. Emails, emails. Man, my phone is such a piece. It's an old school flip-brick that's becoming the bane of my existence....and emails bounce back and forth like currency in this place. I need gmail piped into my retina.

Then Danny and I swung by the festival headquarters and boarded a van bound for our satellite screening in Salt Lake City. I talked with Pablo --- Spanish director of MY INVISIBLE FRIEND and a very recognizable force at the festival in his Wayne's World hat --- about his fascination with all things American, namely supermarkets and large tubs of ice cream.

"I see they have such big tubs. And Americans eat the whole tub...then buy another tub."
"Well, we eat a little, then put the tub in a freezer. Then eat more later. We buy in bulk."
"Must be big freezers."

I was about to counter his judgement when I remembered my parents live alone and have like, three maxed-out freezers.

Anyay, the screening in SLC was a bit awkward at best, the audience being a bit more conservative, but it was still nice to see it with a more mainstream crowd.

Next morning, another screening at 9:00 am. This one was GREAT --- I guess only hardcore indy fans come out at 9:00 am anyway. Someone asked me a question and I responded "God bless you for asking me a quesion," then immediately forgot the question and had to ask again.

After that we were insanely late to this interview at the Gen Art Lounge, a little temporary set up where Gen Art is conducting live interviews to be streamed over the web. I saw AFI pal Sylvia Gallini on the way over. AFI. We're taking this place over, I tell you.

The interview was pretty fun --- Oh man, I should find the link! Except at the end we played a trivia game and missed some really basic question about geometry. You can't take me anywhere.

Agh, I gotta go again. I have a meeting with Indieflix, who may purchase our film for distribution on iTunes. Perhaps I'm jinxing myself by even mentioning it here. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you're not lyin' about that phone. I'm takin' up a collection.

    And you're not lyin' about MY INVISIBLE FRIEND either. Great film. Rated #1 on the Sundance website!

    SEEDS OF THE FALL in ShortsI has a similar sensibility, I think.
